Applying Design Tools & Strategies
Lesson by RJacob · 3 years ago ·
Instructional Summary
Learner will have a chance to apply tools and strategies to specific contexts.Content Blocks
Design Tools & Strategies
In this lesson, you will learn about tools and strategies in the Design stage.
You will be able to
- Use tools and strategies to complete design tasks
What is Bloom's Taxonomy?
Bloom's Taxonomy is a catalogue of skills from cognitively least to most complex. As a learner moves from the left to the right, they demonstrate actions and skills which lead to mastery.
Bloom's Taxonomy
Evaluating Test Items
Let's look at another tool that can help with evaluating test items. Use the following rubric from Dick & Carey (2015) to determine whether you're on the right track with the test items you have developed.
This is the last lesson in the module.
Thank you for completing it!
Applying Design Tools & Strategies by RJacob is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY), except where otherwise noted.
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