VLS 2nd Round Collab
1 Members
The second round of the Virtual Learning Strategy (VLS) has been released by eCampusOntario: https://vls.ecampusontario.ca/vls-2/
There are 4 EOIs this time:
- Digital Content
- Digital Content - XR
- Digital Capacity - Targeted Supports
- Digital Capacity - International Marketing
This Workspace aims to provide a central meeting point for Learnful members to share ideas about potential projects, form teams, and submit proposals to the above mentioned EOIs.
Contributor Guidelines
You should only join this Workspace if:
- The organization you belong to is eligible to take part in the VLS (Ontario-based institutions only).
- You are committed to submitting a proposal for this round of funding.
- You have capacity and the capability to participate in the projects if funded.
If you have any questions, please contact: Yasin Dahi ydahi@learnful.ca.
Admins & Moderators
Workspace Admin